Live Session
Session 11: Optimisation and Evaluation 1
Reproducibility and Analysis of Scientific Dataset Recommendation Methods
Ornella Irrera (Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua), Matteo Lissandrini (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Verona, Italy), Daniele Dell’Aglio (Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark) and Gianmaria Silvello (Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy)
Datasets play a central role in scholarly communications. However, scholarly graphs are often incomplete, particularly due to the lack of connections between publications and datasets. Therefore, the importance of dataset recommendation—identifying relevant datasets for a scientific paper, an author, or a textual query—is increasing. Although various methods have been proposed for this task, their reproducibility remains unexplored, making it difficult to compare them with new approaches.We reviewed current recommendation methods for scientific datasets, focusing on the most recent and competitive approaches, including an SVM-based model, a bi-encoder retriever, a method leveraging co-authors and citation network embeddings, and a heterogeneous variational graph autoencoder. These approaches underwent a comprehensive analysis under consistent experimental conditions.Our reproducibility efforts show that three methods can be reproduced, while the graph variational autoencoder is challenging due to unavailable code and test datasets. Hence, we re-implemented this method and performed a component-based analysis to examine its strengths and limitations. Furthermore, our study indicated that three out of four considered methods produce subpar results when applied to real-world data instead of specialized datasets with ad-hoc features.